Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity

Real-time associations between discrimination and anxious and depressed mood among sexual and gender minorities: The moderating effects of lifetime victimization and identity concealment.

Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity

Nicholas A Livingston, Annesa Flentje, James Brennan, Ethan H Mereish, Oakleigh Reed, Bryan N Cochran

Sexual Minority Stress and Suicide Risk: Identifying Resilience through Personality Profile Analysis.

Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity

Livingston NA, Heck NC, Flentje A, Gleason H, Oost KM, Cochran BN

Offsetting risks: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth.

Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity

Nicholas C. Heck, Annesa Flentje, Bryan N. Cochran